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Cloud Services

"The Cloud" is far from the popular buzzword it used to be - nearly all companies today have some presence in the Cloud, be it a web site, email service, hosted application, or even sizable parts of their infrastructure.  Many people have heard of Microsoft Azure, Google Apps and Amazon Web Services. But for those unfamiliar, what exactly is Cloud-based Computing? The fact is, there's no single answer to that question. "The Cloud" in itself is a metaphor for the Internet, and Cloud Computing in general refers to taking infrastructure, programs and services traditionally housed in your company's data center and moving them outside your corporate network.

Mountains in Fog

Our Security Architects will work with you and your unique environment to tailor the best possible IT Security solution.

Cloud-based computing can be divided into three primary categories: 


  • Software-as-a-Service (SaaS)

  • Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS)

  • Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS)


Cloud computing is similar to traditional hosted solutions, but are typically sold on-demand, allowing end-users to increase or decrease their level of service as needed without requiring costly hardware investments and up-front costs.


Currently Vertechs offers several cloud service options to assist in securing and managing your network. Click the links below to see how we can assist with your Cloud computing needs.

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